Abandoned Product Browse Campaigns

How to Create an Abandoned Product Browse Shopify Campaign

Looking for a quick guide to setting up abandoned product browse Shopify notifications?

Browse abandonment push notifications are automated campaigns that can nudge your website visitors to add products to their cart. But how do you set one up? Is it a complicated process? What push notification service do you use? Do browse abandonment campaigns work that well?

In this article, we’ll answer all these questions. We’ll also show you how to set up abandoned product browse Shopify push notifications in less than 10 minutes with no coding.

Let’s dive in.

Send Shopify Abandoned Product Browse Push Notifications Today!

Push notifications are a super effective, low-cost marketing tool to help you grow your repeat traffic, engagement, and sales on autopilot.

What are Abandoned Product Browse Shopify Notifications?

An abandoned product browse Shopify notification is an automated push notification that gets sent when someone browsing your website decides to bounce without taking any action. Sending the visitor a reminder that they are interested in something on your website can hugely increase your conversion rates.

Abandoned Product Browse Shopify Notifications

Browse abandonment campaigns are most commonly used by eCommerce sites. But that’s not to say that a travel portal or a news site (or any website, really) can’t use them. If you’re selling anything at all, you need to set up browse abandonment push notifications to recover lost sales.

Browse Abandonment Push Notifications to Sell More Products

An abandoned product browse Shopify notification ends when your visitor adds something to their cart. After that, a cart abandonment notification takes over to convert them into paying customers.

That’s where browse abandonment campaigns come into play. You can target, convince, and convert customers who:

  • Added a product to a Wishlist, but not their Cart
  • Viewed a product more than once
  • Browsed more than 3 products in the same category
  • Searched the site for a specific product
  • Stayed on a product page for at least 3 minutes and didn’t buy

The coolest bit is that you can set up browse abandonment emails to support your browse abandonment push notifications. As long as you can afford one of the best email marketing services, you can set up automated campaigns easily.

And trust me when we say it, you will get awesome returns on your marketing efforts with browse abandonment campaigns.

How to Set Up Abandoned Product Browse Shopify Notifications

Now that we understand what a browse abandonment campaign is and why you should create one, let’s dive into how you can set one up. We’re going to use PushEngage to set up your browse abandonment campaign.

PushEngage push notification services

PushEngage is the best push notifications service in the world. And we’re not just talking about the free version. It lets you connect with visitors after they leave your site with targeted push messages.

PushEngage is our first choice for push notification services and tools because it’s:

And this is barely scratching the surface. Check out PushEngage’s full list of features before you go any further. The most incredible part about PushEngage is that it has a forever-free plan that you can try out before making a purchase decision.

You’ll see that PushEngage is hands down the best bet if you want to build traffic, engagement, and sales for your business. And if you’re on a budget, you can always get a little creative with your push notifications. Let’s create our browse abandonment push notifications now.

Step #1: Create a New Abandoned Product Browse Shopify Notifications

Head over to your PushEngage dashboard and go to Campaign » Triggered Campaigns.

Shopify Triggered Campaigns

Then, select the Browse Abandonment Campaign type from the list of campaign types, click the options button, and click on Edit:

Edit Shopify Campaign

Step #2: Create a Series of Abandoned Product Browse Shopify Push Notifications

By now, you should be able to see a campaign setup dashboard. Create your campaign under Content:

Browse abandonment campaign

Most of this is straightforward. Give your campaign a name and create a sequence of browse abandonment push notifications.

Step #3: Configure the Product Browse Abandonment Trigger

When you’re done, click on Trigger Settings. It’s time to set up the trigger for browse abandonment:

Browse abandonment trigger

These are default values for the browse abandonment campaign template. So, you don’t have to change anything here. You can set Trigger Limits based on how often you want to send push notifications:

Trigger limits

And you can also set up UTM parameters here:

UTM parameters

And enable Goal Tracking as well:

Goal tracking PushEngage

If you’re new to push notification analytics, check out our guide to goal tracking for push notifications.

Step #4: Configure Your Push Notification Popup Modal

Finally, in your PushEngage dashboard, go to Design » Popup Modals:

Popup Modals

From here, you can customize your push notification opt-in. If you need help with that, you should check out this article on how to create a custom push notification opt-in.

If you need some inspiration, you can check out this article on high-converting push notification opt-ins.

What to do After You Create Browse Abandonment Push Notifications

Now that you know the power of eCommerce push notifications, it’s time for you to start creating your own campaigns. But before you get started with the campaigns, you should study some great push notification examples first. 

And if you’re new to push notifications, you should check out our article on push notification best practices before you start creating campaigns. Some of the best practices that we actively recommend include:

Pro Tip: If you’re new to eCommerce push notifications, you should also check out this article on how to get more reviews.

We recommend using PushEngage to create your push notification campaigns. PushEngage is the #1 push notification software in the market and your campaigns will be in safe hands.

So, if you haven’t already, get started with PushEngage today.

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Engage and Retain Visitors AfterThey’ve Left Your Website

Increase the value of every web visit with Push Notifications that are hard to miss.

  • Forever Free Plan
  • Easy Setup
  • 5 Star Support