Customer Segmentation Models

6 Easy Ways to Segment Push Subscribers Automatically

Looking for ways to automatically segment push subscribers? Targeted push notifications lead to higher click-through rates and lower unsubscribe rates. Segmentation allows you to offer a custom experience to your web push subscribers. With most push notification services and tools, … Continue reading

Waterfall Push Campaigns

How to Create Waterfall Push Campaigns that Work

Looking for a guide to create waterfall push campaigns? Waterfall notifications are gaining a lot of popularity these days. For a long time, you could only send waterfall email campaigns. But now, you can recreate the same effective campaigns and … Continue reading

Engage and Retain Visitors AfterThey’ve Left Your Website

Increase the value of every web visit with Push Notifications that are hard to miss.

  • Forever Free Plan
  • Easy Setup
  • 5 Star Support