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Data Processing Agreement Updated Date : 27 November 2022 This Data Processing Addendum (“DPA”), forms part of the Agreement between Push Engage LLC d/b/a PushEngage(“PushEngage”) and Customer (“Customer”) and shall be effective on the date both parties execute this DPA … Continue reading

App Engagement Metrics

What App Engagement Metrics Should You Look At

When it comes to driving success in today’s mobile-first world, app engagement metrics are the secret sauce that separates the winners from the rest. These metrics are more than just numbers—they’re the pulse of your app, giving you a real-time … Continue reading

Personalized Push Notification Ideas

8 Personalized Push Notifications That Work [Backed By Data]

Ever wondered why is personalization important for push notifications? Personalized push notifications make your subscribers feel like they were tailor-made for them. The best part? Our customers get around 8% conversion rates for personalized campaigns. Clearly, personalized push notifications can … Continue reading

Cart Abandonment Reminder

Recover lost sales and quickly boost revenue with automatically triggered abandon cart push notifications.

How to Create Browse Abandonment Campaigns

Shoppers visit your website and browse your products or services but leave without taking any action; PushEngage’s browse abandonment campaigns are designed to re-engage them. These campaigns use web push notifications to bring shoppers back, especially your window shoppers, encouraging … Continue reading