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Chrome 80 Changes and PushEngage Updates

Google is introducing the Quite User Interface for Chrome 80 users, which is geared towards improving the user experience as it relates to asking permissions. Now not every user who visits the website will get the opt-in or permission prompt … Continue reading

About PushEngage

About PushEngage Learn more about PushEngage, our founders, and core values. Hello and welcome to PushEngage, the world’s best push notification service. As marketers, we are always looking for new ways to reach customers effectively. So when Chrome announced support … Continue reading

Powerful WebEngage Alternatives

7 Powerful WebEngage Alternatives to Send Push Notifications

Looking for WebEngage alternatives to send web push notifications? WebEngage is a full-stack customer engagement software with tons of cool features. You can use WebEngage to create, schedule, and send: Push notifications Emails WhatsApp autoresponders SMS campaigns App notifications Facebook … Continue reading