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How to add service-worker to a separate folder?

The service worker is the key file to complete the subscription and ensures subscribers are collected on your domain. If you use the native opt-in, adding the service-worker.js file to the root or sub-directory is an important installation step. If … Continue reading

Guide to Enable Goal Tracking through WPCode

You can enable goal tracking for your site or store through WPCode. Goal Tracking helps you see within the PushEngage dashboard how many goals you have achieved and the goal value of your campaigns. These goals are visible across all … Continue reading

How to go live with PushEngage on Wix

Wix is an amazing platform to start your own website. Integrating Push Notifications on Wix Site is very simple and takes less than 10 minutes. In this article, we will show the exact steps to integrate push notifications on a Wix site. … Continue reading

Guide to Creating iOS APNs Certificate

Apple Push Notification service (APNs) is a platform notification service that enables third-party application developers to send notification data to applications installed on Apple devices. iOS applications that use APNs need to have a certificate. This section explains how to … Continue reading

Guide to Getting Started with PushEngage

PushEngage allows you to convert your website visitors to web push subscribers. A subscriber is anyone who would click on allow on the subscription popup you configure on your website. A web push campaign does not capture personal information like … Continue reading

Guide to Create a Cart Abandonment Campaign

Shoppers add items to their shopping cart but leave the website before completing the checkout. Because it is closely tied to customer conversion rates and revenue, the cart abandonment rate is a crucial business metric for businesses to track. A … Continue reading

How to Enable PushEngage on the Weebly Website

With this guide, you can integrate Browser Push Notification on your Weebly website using PushEngage. Log in into the PushEngage dashboard and get your PushEngage installation code that needs to be added to your website. Below is the PushEngage the javascript code you … Continue reading